Back in Britain we have had people lining up to criticise Bankers and their dealings but, as two of the loudest voices came from the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu, let he who is without sin cast the first stone as it turned out the both the Anglican church and the Roman Catholic church have money in some of the massive hedge funds that have recently been short selling, oh dear. I believe last week I asked if anyone knew what hedge funds actually are (and soon, where, tee hee) but no one has come forward; surely one of you must know. Oh well Wikipedia it is then. Also, another reference to last weeks when I commented on David Cameron saying supportive things about bankers and today’s Observer was kind enough to report why this might be. It turns out that the Conservatives get massive donations from hedge fund managers. It seems that, despite the fact that we don’t know what they do, they make huge amounts of money and then give some of it to the Conservative party. If you give enough you get to be a member of a club called the Leaders Group and one of the perks, well I wouldn’t call it a perk but some might, are dinners at which David may appear, not in a puff of smoke I assume, I think he still uses a door like you and me, and chat. I assume that this is more likely at the dinners that take place at his house or is he sat upstairs in his bedroom like I used to be when my parents had friends round? Surely this is money for access and potential influence and that can’t be right. A nice man called Michael Hintze of CQS has given £662,500 and his company has shorted shares in Bradford and Bingley whilst two other men who run the investment firm Lansdowne, Paul Ruddock and David Craigen, who have given £210,000 and £50,000 respectively, were exposed last week as shorting shares in HBOS. So these are the people behind the Tory party, nothing has really changed.
Some awards,
The Award for Saving Me from Hollyoaks,
This goes to the returning Strictly Come Dancing, It Takes Two. Thank you so much to the BBC for putting this on at the same time as Hollyoaks as significant other would rather watch the lovely Claudia Wickleman than the worst program ever made. It is so bad that discovering that your significant other watches it is enough to make you reconsider the relationship.
The Award for Most Fun New Thing in Significant Others Life,
This goes to her new car, which is fantastic. It’s a Fiat 500 and it talks. Oh yes, talks. The car can respond to voice commands for dialling the phone, it’s great.

The Award for Most Fun I’ve had this Week,
This goes to the e-mail correspondence I had at the beginning of the week with a lady who has a fantastically right wing blog on Myspace. I found it on the most read bit and had a look and it was scary so I thought I would respond to one or two of her points, this lead to e-mails buzzing back and forth across the Atlantic and much fun was had, well by me anyway; I don’t think she was that impressed. By the way I think I won the discussion because she stopped replying first, I believe that’s how it works.
Have a fun week, I’m off to see Will Self tomorrow and that should be all sorts of fun.
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