Anyway, not a bad week in all. Lots of working for both myself and significant other but also time at the allotment and it looks lovely. Starting to pay dividends now. Much too eat that we have grown, which is nice. Despite this weeks hard work I have managed to keep an eye on the papers and there were no front page headlines or stories about Princess Diana, no great surprise really. One story that did interest me this week was a report that came from the Office of Fair Trading claiming that high street banks are making £8 billion from current accounts that are supposed to be free. Just read that again, high street banks are making £8 billion from current accounts that are supposed to be free. That is more than credit cards and savings accounts combined. So not only are the banks reasonable for the current, worldwide, financial crisis but what money you do have is being ripped away from you by your friendly faced bank.
Some terribly good news from the world of television, this is to be the last series of Australian version of Big Brother. This is a start I think you’ll agree. Only most of the world to go.
I don’t want to be overly cynical, but I think you know me well enough to know that that is what will happen, and I haven’t actually seen the new Pixar/Disney effort Wall-E but I have seen the little robot at the centre of the film who is called, well, Wall-E. Does he not look like a little like ET? A robot ET but ET never the less.

And so to the awards,
Most Surprised Media Outlets By The Fact That Old People Aren’t All Rubbish and Ugly Looking,
This goes to all of them. We have had a picture of Helen Mirren on holiday in a bikini, she looked very good indeed, though I’m not allowed to say “for her age” according to Barbara Allen in today’s Observer, and Gregg Norman playing very well in golf’s Open Championship and all we have heard about is how old he is.
Most Over Use of Laminated Signs,
Whilst in Kent yesterday we went to a Golf Club for dinner and almost every surface within the club house was covered in home-made laminated signs of a very bossy nature, “This television to be operated only from the bar” and “No mobile phones to be used in the poolside bar” but my favourite was the sign outside of the shop,

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