No Diana stuff at all this week but lots of Max Mosley stuff, which is all a little disturbing. Do we want to know about an old man getting spanked? No, no we don’t but we do want to know how the Daily Mail is covering it. You see the Daily Mail was a very keen supporter of Max’s Father, the renowned fascist and I am curious to see how they are covering his son, who also stood for his father’s nasty fascist party as a candidate. Will they be overly harsh on an old man who thinks it’s ok to rent a flat in London at £35000 per year for the purposes of rogering whores and getting humiliated, he must be loving this court case, or will they be nice to him because they really liked his dad and all his nasty racist ideas? I have no idea. Sorry about that, I couldn’t bring myself to look at them. I’m really no help here am I?
We had some new towels as a wedding present and have just started using them. Yes we have washed them but today I got out of the bath and after the towelling down, painting pictures with words here, So much fluff had adhered to me I looked like a blue muppet!

When did Peter O’Toole die? Have you seen the advert he’s doing at the moment on the television? He looks awful. It possible he died sometime before they started shooting ad.
Spoilsport of the week,
This goes to the Mail on Sunday with has attempted to reveal the identity of the artist Banksy. Why? Why would you do this? Can we not have a little mystery in our lives?
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